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Workplace Wellness

Rita Tarvydaite Herbal Medicine & Naturopathy provides health and wellness talks to businesses and their employees to support productivity and engagement within a workplace enviroment.


Healthy employees create a healthy workforce!

Choose your topic!

Rita offers a variety of bespoke health talks suitable for any workplace environment. You can chose your own topic or choose from the options below. Whichever topic you pick, you and your work force are guaranteed to be inspired! You will be provided with very simple but yet extremely practical and effective tips and suggestions on how to maintain optimum health which will be useful not only in your workplace, but in your day to day life too!  


All talks cover the following:

Easily accessible plant medicine tips

Diet tips for optimum nutrition

Practical & easy to follow lifestyle suggestions 

Bespoke Health & Wellbeing Talks Available

A variety of topics are available for workplace wellness talks to suit the needs of your teams, so don't hesitate to get in touch!

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